Sun Healthcare: Private Healthcare Company

Sun Healthcare: Private Healthcare Company

Information website design and build


April 21, 2017

Brochure Website Design and Build
About This Project

When designing the information-based website for Sun Healthcare, it was important to consider the very different user groups and their needs. The site was to be a hub of information for service users (both elderly and disabled), the family, friends and carers of the service users and finally, for support staff and healthcare professionals.


Considering these three very different user groups was to be the key to the success of this project. It was essential to utilise a bright and colourful design, as well as inspiring photography to showcase details about each residential home offered by the service.


A variety of internal page links were set up in order to quickly and easily signpost the user to the information they were searching for. By embedding Quality Care Commission reports directly into the page widgets, the website was also kept up-to-date without the need for large amounts of maintenance and manual renewing.


The resulting site showcases clear, concise and standardised information of the wealth of services offered by the company. The content appeals to a variety of users, each of whom is guided to the information that will be salient to them.